Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The purpose of life: stop obsessing over it

If reading alone would make us experts at something, I should be crowned as “The woman who masters the purpose of life”. Except I don’t. At 25, nothing appeals to me, besides writing, so much that I can imagine doing it forever. 
Ruminating over this problem made me realize that maybe we have set the bar too high in terms of life’s purpose. 

Yes, it should be a big deal, but it also should be simple.

Chances are that something wonderful and worth celebrating is already going on in our lives, while we fantasize about The Car, The Husband, The Career and The Vacation of our dreams.
Our lives have a damn good purpose and the Bible pretty much sums it up: do good, be good. That’s it!
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I am sure that Oprah and two of her most enlightened pals, Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra, had the best intentions when initially started preaching about “becoming the person you were meant to be”, but the message got twisted along the way. Now, you’re either madly in love with your career or you are a total loser. A myth wonderfully crushed in this New York Times article. 

It’s actually OK if work is just ‘meh’, as long as there’s a list of other things that can bring a smile on your face. 

Sure, we all know a person or two, especially public figures, who seem to be consumed on the inside out by their passion and can’t stop until they excelled at it. However, the rest of us can read this eye-openingstudy recently mention in The Atlantic and focus on getting more meaningful work done. Even if it doesn’t get us on the news.


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