Thursday, September 18, 2014

My American dream in numbers (it's not looking too good)

Today I gave myself a pat on the back for being a real trooper over the last few weeks. Looking at the aftermath of our cultural crisis, we realized that our human structure is forever changed. Sufferance had an abrasive effect on us and striped every last bit of pride. We have more sympathy for those in need, although less willpower to forgive those who did us wrong.

I wanted to celebrate this day by making a graphic with a little help from Canva. In addition to the numbers that went on it, a bunch of others are worth mentioning:   
  •  Four times our car battery died and several strangers borrowed us their jumper cables
  •  Three successful interviews out of six. Two of them were too far from my home, so I choose a closer, yet a lousy paid part-time job
  •  Seven Sundays when I went to the church, begging God for signs that we belong here
  •  One minor car accident my husband was involved as a victim 
  • A hundred times Americans proved to be the nicest people we have ever met 
  • Zero times I actually thought going back to Romania and giving up on my dream of becoming a journalist in this country 

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