Monday, November 17, 2014

Five hilarious takeaways from horror movies

Unless you are a die-hard fan, you don’t see much beyond the spookiness of a horror movie. Plopped on your comfy couch, you watch it while shoveling popcorn in your mouth, shivering with fear whenever a creepy face comes out of the closet or someone is stabbed in the shower. I used to be like that. But then my husband started freaking out more than usual during chills inducing movies. It sucked the joy, or should I say the fear, out of most of our Friday nights.

So I came up with a strategy to make the whole experience more bearable for him. “When feeling terrified, shift your attention. Look something funny in that scene”, I suggested. And it actually worked. The only downside? Instead of doing it mentally, he would say it out lout. “These zombies are drooling all over the place”, he pointed out to me, during World War Z. “Someone give them a handkerchief, please!”

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Soon enough, I pick up the same habit. And although a scary movie doesn’t crack us up as hard as a comedy, we have a blast recognizing all the hilarious details. After all, horror movies carry a surprising life-lesson: even in the darkest moments there’s something to laugh about. Here are some amusing takeaways from scary movies:

1. Serial killers love to play hide and seek in the nastiest places. How else can you explain their love for spots like under the bed, where people tend to keep dirty, smelly socks, empty potato chip bags or worse, used condoms? Not to mention about closets, the land of sweaty sneakers and basements, the favorite playground of mice and coach roaches. So if you want to have a monster-free house, keep it spotless.

2. Demons have a potty mouth. Especially when strapped with handcuffs into a restrain chair or a bed. Take for example Pazuzu, from The Exorcist. He obviously didn’t learn to swear like a sailor from that 12-years-old little girl. Listen up, Mrs. Demon! Having blood streaming down your face and a bad hair day doesn’t give you an excuse to throw your manners out the window.

3. Zombies seriously lack dental hygiene. On top of being plain ugly and having the worse skin break-outs, you can tell zombies never used a tooth brush. Take a look at this guy, from World War Z. His “pearlies” are more pitch-black than white, yet he insists on showing them off.  Why not give him a chance and stick his picture on your bathroom window? It would work as a great motivator for the nights when you consider skipping brushing your teeth. 

4. Ghosts should take an anger management class. Door slamming, light-bulb explosions, furniture throwing. That’s what ghosts supposedly do in order to intimidate, right? But what if they just have a short temper? It must be horrible to be invisible and have people walk through you. It also means you can go whatever you want. That Tahiti vacation you never took while alive? Go for it, Casper. Better yet, climb, and then throw yourself out of the Mount Everest. It’s not like you’re going to die… Doesn’t it sound more fun that messing with people’s houses?

5. Which brings us to aliens...They have no respect whatsoever for American, Chinese and French architecture. Have you count the number of times New York had been destroyed by an alien invasion in a sci-fi horror movie? World most famous skyscrapers and bridges don’t stand a chance against alien’s wrath. They favorite way to destroy a building is by simply stepping on it, smashing or firing it up. In this Pacific Rim scene, Hong Kong is flattened out without mercy. Should we assume aliens are afraid of heights?

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